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Control Diabetes Without Medicine
Control Diabetes Without Medicine

By lets live on Jul 17, 2023

Controlling diabetes without medication is possible by making certain lifestyle changes. It is important to note that these strategies may not work for everyone, and it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diabetes treatment plan. However, the following tips can potentially help manage diabetes without medication:

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How to maintain healthy diet when traveling?
How to maintain healthy diet when traveling?

By lets live on Jul 15, 2023

Maintaining a healthy diet while traveling can be challenging, but with some planning and smart choices, it is definitely possible. Here are some tips to help you stay on track with a healthy diet while traveling. You will thank yourself for being disciplined and making good food choices even on the road!

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Natural remedies for body pains
Natural remedies for body pains

By lets live on Jun 14, 2023

Pain is a complex and subjective experience for us Humans. It serves as a protective mechanism for the body and is typically described as an unpleasant sensory and emotional sensation that can range from mild discomfort to intense agony. Pain can be acute, which means it lasts for a short duration and is usually caused by an injury or illness, or it can be chronic, lasting for a prolonged period, often longer than three months.

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Tips to age gracefully!
Tips to age gracefully!

By lets live on Jun 12, 2023

We all age and it’s an inevitable fact of life! The only control we have is to slow it down a tad so that we can step into our golden years with a lot of grace and health. Here are a few tips that will calm down the rages of time and help us down the lane!

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