The world population is expected to reach a whopping 9.7 billion by 2050, and it is estimated that food production will have to increase by 70% to meet this demand. This is not an easy feat, considering that there are already many environmental concerns with our current food production system.
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In 2019, India in its capacity as the President of the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly, proposed to declare an International Year of Millets. India's proposal to the United Nations for an International Year of Millets is aimed at raising awareness on the nutritional importance of millets and their role in sustainable food production.
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In our previous blogs, we saw a plethora of advantages of eating millet. And without a shadow of a doubt, millets are healthy for our hearts, are rich in antioxidants, control our blood sugar, are gluten-free, help us lose weight, give us glowing skin, and shiny healthy hair – it is indeed a superfood. What is not to like, right? Yes and No.
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Millets are a family of small-seeded grass varieties and are widely cultivated as a cereal crop or grains. These are fit for human and animal consumption and nourishment all over the world. The majority of the species that are commonly referred to as millets are members of the Paniceae tribe, but some millets are also members of other taxa.
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