Red Rice Vs Basmati Rice
What are some of the things that come to your mind immediately when you think about rice ? Did you think of it being 'satiating' or 'nutritious', or the fact that it contains carbs ? Whatever you may have thought, I am certain fragrance and taste were not one among those.
Although rich in a spate of nutrients, for many, rice is just a bland, listless staple food that's not exciting. But what if I told you that there are some rice varieties that are not only packed with all the nutrients, but also exciting to your taste buds? In this article, I will be discussing two such rice varieties and a few differences between the two. Let’s get started.
Basmati Rice
Basmati is a slender-grained aromatic rice that is produced mostly in India, Pakistan and Nepal, with India accounting for 65% of the international trade in Basmati. In India, Basmati is mainly grown in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Uttarakhand, Western Uttar Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. It's strong aroma and unique flavour make Basmati a go-to option for preparing many exotic Indian and Asian cuisines. Apart from its pleasant fragrance and delicious taste, basmati is also a suitable diet option for diabetics according to the Canadian Diabetes Association, as its glycemic index is just between 56 and 69 compared to jasmine and "instant" white rice, which have a glycemic index of 89.
Red Rice
Amongst various rice varieties out there, Red rice has the highest nutritional value. Colored red by anthocyanin, red rice is highly nourishing and is generally consumed unhulled or partially hulled. What makes this variant of rice a healthy choice is the red husk. Besides all that, red rice is also a rich source of iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc.
The difference between Basmati Rice and Red rice
What gives Basmati a strong flavour is the aroma compound 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline. The basmati grains contain 0.09 ppm of this aromatic chemical compound naturally, a level that is about 12 times as much as non-basmati rice varieties. Whereas red rice contains anthocyanin, an antioxidant that dyes the rice grain’s bran in reddish color. While basmati is largely used in India, red rice is used in Thailand, Africa, and some parts of Bhutan.
What are some of the other differences between basmati and Red rice? Leave it in the comments below.